Marlins English Test

It is a test used to know what is the score of seafarer in maritime English. How do I take the Marlins test? There are 2 ways to get marlins test. Your company will made marlins test for you. You will make marlins test in official marlins website as a trainer. You will made it in approved centre for making marlins test. Marlins Test Trainer. 3.7 on 125 votes. Test users get the chance to practice each question type before they start the test and help information is available in 11 languages.

  1. Marlins English Test For Seafarers
  2. Example Marlins English Test
Bagi anda yang bekerja di kapal pesiar pasti tidak asing dengan istilah MARLINS TEST.
Marlins Test adalah test bahasa inggris untuk para pekerja di kapal pesiar. Test ini dilakukan oleh seluruh agen kapal pesiar untuk mengetahui kemampuan bahasa inggris yang dimiliki oleh candidate mereka.
karena pada masing-masing posisi yang dilamar oleh candidate memiliki skor Marlins English Test yang berbeda-beda, seperti berikut :
housekeping: 60
Galley Utility: 60
Bar Boy: 60
Snack Steward: 65
dan seterusnya..

Marlins english test akan anda lakukan secara online. dan setelah mendapatkan score, sertifikat marlin english test yang berlaku secara internasional inipun bisa anda miliki. rata-rata agen kapal pesiar akan memberikan harga berkisar US 20-25 untuk sekali test.

Marlins English Test For Seafarers

bagaimana jika anda tidak lulus test?? jangan khawatir, anda bisa mengulangnya berkali-kali. namun anda harus ingat, setiap pengulangan yang anda lakukan akan dikenakan biaya yang sama. jadi usahakanlah untuk mendapatkan skor terbaik pada saat mengikuti test marlins.
materi yang akan di uji di Marlin English Test antara lain:
- listening
- odd word
- fill the gap
- time and number
-different sound

dengan waktu sekitar 30 menit dan menyediakan sekitar 50 pertanyaan.
Preposition adalah kata sambung. Pada soal-soal ini, anda diharapkan dapat menggunakan kata sambung yang tepat untuk menyambung kalimat yang terputus.

1. The ship ... Alaska.
a. in c. around
b. out d. about
2. It is ... The Promedae deck.
a. at c. against
b. around d. on
3. We go to shore ... tender.
a. in c. by
b. on d. at
4. The hull is made ... steel.
a. on c. of
b. by d. above
5. He leaned ... the bulkhead.
a. about c. under
b. over d. against
6. She is married ... the captain.
a. to c. without
b. with d. at
7. Is the qualified ... the job?
a. about c. on
b. against d. for
8. I learned marlin test ... this blog.
a. on c. in
b. at d. by
9. Her uniform is similar ... mine.
a. to c. as
b. so d. for
10. Are you afraid ... shark?
a. about c. for
c. against d. of
11. Where ... ... 2 days ago?
a. are you c. did you
b. have you gone d. were you
12. The ship will dock ... Thursday afternoon
a. for c. on
b. in d. at
13. We haven't received a replay since ....
a. 3 days c. last week
b. today d. for a week
14. Do you think she ... come tomorrow?
a. can c. is going
b. have to d. will be
15. .... .... he was staying here, he often saw something strange.
a. during c. for
b. as a long as d. while
16. .............. is the length of promenade deck
a. how many c. what
b. how long d. how much
17. We can see the difference ........ the result.
a. by checking c. from checking
b. with checking d. to check
18. We need to keep .... with the current issues.
a. on c. at
b. up d. in
19. MS. Statendam isn't ..... MS. Rotterdam.
a. as big than c. as big as
b. as big with d. so big with
20. How does he work? He works ....
a. hardly c. hard
b. good d. so hard
Odd Words; adalah contoh soal dimana anda harus memilih satu dari empat kata yang paling berbeda. Untuk nomor 1 anda harus memilih 'Meal'. Karena kata ini adalah kata umum. Berbeda dengan breakfast (makan pagi), supper (makan setelah dinner/ late dinner), dinner (makan malam). Sedangkan Meal (artinya hanya makan), tidak ada waktu spesifik untuk meal.
1. a. Breakfastb. Mealc. Supperd. Dinner
2. a. Chopperb. Helicopterc. Planed. Whirly Bird
3. a. Dinghyb. Yachtc. Coasterd. Ferry
4. a. Universityb. Facultyc. Academyd. Institute
5. a. Porridgeb. Hominyc. Grueld. Gratin
6. a. Oysterb. Prawnc. Shrimp d. Crayfish
7. a. Swordfishb. Carpc. Troutd. Shellfish
8. a. Blandb. Tastelessc. Spicyd. Insipid
9. a. Poodleb. Sealc. Dogd. Sleuth-hound
10. a. Chickenb. Henc. Roosterd. Stork
11. a. Turmericb. Gingerc. Citronellad. Galangal
12. a. Fawnb. Rubyc. Scarletd. Crimson
13. a. Godownb. Forthc. Warehoused. Storage
14. a. Swordb. Saberc. Rapierd. Spear
15. a. Buddyb. Friendc. Fellowd. Class Fellow
16. a. Lotusb. Jasminec. Amberd. Sponge
17. a. Dormitoryb. Hostelc. Dormd. Convert
18. a. Persimmonb. Pomeloc. Oranged. Grape Fruit
19. a. Grapeb. Mosellec. Muscateld. Guava
20. a. Onionb. Candlenutc. Shallotd. Garlic
21. a. Roadb. Riverc. Streetd. Square
22. a. Bookb. Magazinec. Televisiond. Newspaper
23. a. Armb. Headc. Handd. Hat
24. a. Tubeb. Pipec. Cylinderd. bridge
25. a. gallonb. Bottlec. Literd. Pint
26. a. Bossb. Wifec. Sond. Daughter
27. a. Doctorb. Medicinec. Taxid. Ambulance
28. a. Postcardb. Stampc. Letterd. Travel's cheque
29. a. Occupationb. Nursec. Doctord. Shop Assistant
30. a. Speakb. talkc. Sayd. Scream
31. a. Entranceb. Exitc. No Entryd. Push
32. a. Smileb. Kissc. Tasted. Listen
33. a. Pigb. Horsec. Sheepd. Beef
34. a. Stadiumb. Groundc. Fieldd. Team
35. a. Stringb. Soapc. Toweld. Razor
36. a. Cellarb. Lavatoryc. Roofd. Stairs
37. a. Meaningb. Incorrectc. Mistaked. Wrong
38. a. Bloodb. Tomatoc. Strawberryd. Beer
39. a. Try Onb. Put On c. Get Ond. Take Off
40. a. Galleryb. Theaterc. Cabaretd. Museum
41. a. Courseb. Testc. Faild. Pass
42. a. Christmasb. Easterc. 20th Centuryd. New Year's Day
43. a. Billb. Waiterc. Service Charged. Tip
44. a. Speedyb. Slowc. Swiftd. Rapid
45. a. Hugeb. Enormousc. Immensed. Tiny
46. a. Prettyb. Gracefulc. Handsomed. Ugly
47. a. Reduceb. Costlyc. Unreasonabled. Dear
48. a. Rustyb. Spotlessc. Stainedd. Dusty
49. a. Gladb. Sadc. Marryd. Cheerful
50. a. Scaredb. Frightenedc. Cowardlyd. Blod

The Marlin’s Test is the official english proficiency test for every cruise line in the world, and you will be require to take this test if you’re not from an English speaking country like United States, Australia or England. Before you start, make sure that you select the correct version of the test, the Marlins English Language Test for Cruise Ship Staff. Other versions are not the correct ones for cruise ships, neither yachts nor river cruises.

The test costs 20 US dollars and it’s non-reimbursed by any company. The candidate can pay by credit card or Paypal and after the confirmation, one access key will be sent to the registered email. Also, some manning agencies in India, Philippines and Brazil offer the test to be done at the agency by paying in the local currency.

If you’re not sure about what to expect, you can click on this link to be redirected to a preview of the test, containing 15 questions. The normal test will have 50 questions and needs to be completed under thirty minutes. (On a side note, besides having a countdown, there’s not an actual time limit. Just to let you know that if you go over those 30 minutes, you score starts to drop.)

For entry-level crew positions, it’s necessary to achieve at least 65% on the score, while for staff positions the score should be higher than 85%. For Guest Services, Entertainment and Technical positions you should reach at least 95% (if not 100%).

Example Marlins English Test


Use headphones during the test. Some questions will require you to listen to audio files simulating a conversation between a passenger and a crew member.

→ Listen carefully till the end of the audio sentences, as some questions correct answers can be only found on the last seconds of the audio.

→ Use powerful browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, as other programs might freeze during the test and you will lose all your progress.

Marlins english test verification

→ Don’t USE YOUR CELLPHONE/TABLET, utilize an actual computer for the test. The mobile version of the test has bugs, as reported by our visitors.