Microsoft CD Keys, CD Key Generator, Genuine Advantage Validation
I am no fan of Microsoft for a lot of different reasons which I won't go through here. However, one of the things that I think is so insane is the silly CD Keys that they put on the cases of the CD. Anyone who is thorough enough to copy a CD would certainly copy the CD Key. However, the average guy who just files the CD away after a successful installation may very well separate the actual CD from the CD case (which are often not clearly marked). Fortunately just about any Microsoft CD Key will do. So this web site is to help out people who have legitimately bought/received a Microsoft CD (non-OEM variety), but have lost their CD case with the key. If you have a CD from Microsoft that you got from an OEMer (for example, it came with your computer), follow the link to MS OEM Numbers.
Windows XP
Jul 03, 2020 To use the most appropriate Windows XP product key the following steps are recommended. Open the properties option after right-clicking on Start and then Computer. Click the activation windows option. By accessing this option, the user gets the chance to alter the Windows XP Professional product key. This Key will not work with any other Windows XP disk that I have found. Windows XP Professional Edition serial number S/N: QG6V8-DKTVK-24M6F-99M3Y-FQFTM. MICROSOFT WINDOWS XP PRO - CORP serial number. S/N: TGRH7-K6QR3-RT6J4-V36FP-869HT. Put here a software name you are looking serial numbers for, i.e windows xp or internet download manager and press search button then, please, don't add serial, keygen and so on to the search windows 2000 professional sp4 german, 4140 records found, first 100 of them are.
I just recently heard that XP installation CDs have a valid CD key right on the CD. Explore the CD and navigate to the i386 folder. Open the file UNATTEND.txt and scroll down to the last line. You will find your Windows XP Product key there. It was there on an old XP CD SP2 I had around. If you find a CD key on your installation CD, please let me know how it works out. My guess is that these keys on the CD are best to use as there would be the same CD key for thousands of computers (all the CDs which were printed with that key) so Microsoft would have a hard time invalidating a CD key which is used legitimately by thousands of computers. The CD I had has a key of 'CD87T-HFP4C-V7X7H-8VY68-W7D7M'. I wonder if that key will work for anyone else (my XP computers all have legitimate Microsoft keys already)? This web page is now located at its 139th home, so it seems to bother the people at Microsoft. My reading of the law is that there is nothing illegal contained in it (as CD keys are neither copyrighted nor trademarked), but that doesn't keep them from complaining to our current host and getting the pages deleted. I was able to get a copy of a previous host's original complaint (they got another one later and booted me). They also got the DNS (domain name) for our friends at pulled until they stopped providing a permanent link to this page. Sigh! It would be best to bookmark the link is That page has a button along the top that will take you to the current server. What a bother, but it keeps the information accessible.If you have a partially or fully functioning system, you can visit:,, or
to get the current keys you are using (so that you will have them if you need them later). Right now that seems the easiest way to go with the pitfalls that MS is making for us.
High School and University Students
It looks like Microsoft has opened up free versions of Visual Studio 2008, Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008, and Virtual PC via download for students. They do have a verification program (which is understandable) so I can't say how well it works. Check out the full list at Good luck.Genuine Advantage
In 2005 Microsoft started introducing a new program to trip users up, Genuine Advantage. It appears that Genuine Advantage is somewhat of a misnomer as the only useful thing it does is generate more revenue for Microsoft. For now the best way to avoid this 'license checker' is to never agree to the EULA that goes with it (for now watch for the title Genuine Advantage, but be cautious of any program that requires a new EULA). Given its very negative value to the customer, Microsoft insists that you agree to their terms in an agreement before installing it. If you don't agree it even gives you the option of never being asked again about it. Sadly this is only after the fact advice. I have heard that you can roll back your system to the previous state before the last set of updates and remove it.With the latest version of Windowns Update, you can't get normal updates without verifying your license. However, you still get the security updates (which is good as Windows is like swiss cheese (full of holes) for viruses), but you can't get the latest enhancements (which is also good as you hardly need new bugs and holes for viruses to exploit). For example, you won't be able to get Internet Explorer (IE) 7, but you probably shouldn't be running IE or Outlook anyway. Those are the two best ways to get viruses. Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird are each quite nice and not nearly as virus prone as their Microsoft equivalents (and they are free).
Microsoft published a procedure that removes the pre-release verions of Genuine Advantage at For your convenience I have included the excerpt that worked for me (I have two systems which have Windows XP installed and two certificates of authenticity, but only one was installed with the 'correct' key for the CD I was using at the time). If you need to change your CD key as Genuine Advantage doesn't like your current one, visit for a description of how to change a bad key to a good one.
I have two systems that have Windows XP installed (along with other OSes of course) and one had been installed with a generated key (though I have two licenses for XP). When they switched to the real Genuine Advantage I was able to give in my real CD key (from the certificates) and stop the annoying messages. However, now I can't test methods to get around their license checks (they don't tell you how to go back to the old 'bad' key). Drats. On there is a package by Matt (no last name, I wonder why) which gets you around WGA (or Windows Genuine Advantage) checking. You can get it at programs/ If that link doesn't work for you, you can try
It is really five files. Opening it will show you the five files and you should open the file WP_Readme.txt. It explains what to do with the four other files. It mentions that it works with pirated copies of Windows XP and Office, but it will also work with a legally purchased copy of Windows XP and Office in case you have lost the legal key (this page does not encourage pirating software). Please try it out and let me know how it works for you. I have checked it for viruses and trojans, but we all need to be careful....
There is a new procedure for getting around Genuine Advantage with Windows XP SP3 which is a little cleaner than past approached. You can try it at: programs/ I am happy with SP2 and haven't tried it, so please let me know how it works for you. Thanks.
I have a link to a manual procedure for getting around activation. It also included a link to which does the update for you.

Vista and Genuine Advantage checks.
There seems to be a procedure for getting around the activation and check in procedures for Vista. You can find it (for now) at: I haven't been able to try it as I am avoiding Vista (I seem to be such a Luddite). Please let me know how it works for you and I can update these pages.Windows Activation
With the advent of MS Office 2000 SR1 and all the XP and 2002 releases, MS seems to have gone the route of mandatory registration which makes reinstallations and such really difficult when you lose the old key. There is a program that seems to be able to test if a key meets the MS requirements and can also generate keys at random until it finds one that should work. It supports for Windows XP, Office XP and Visio XP called XPKey.exe.
There are new generations of key generators for Windows XP and Office which run faster and can generate SP1 and SP2 acceptable keys. I don't have any Windows XP SP1 CD's or MS Office (I run OpenOffice which is free, open source (so it should be available for a while), handles MS format files, and works pretty well (you can download from, so I can't test the new features. If the standard XPKey.exe doesn't work for you, try XPKeySP2.exe.
Recently (end of 2007) virus scanners have been flagging and deleting XPKeySP2.exe. They seem to think it is a trojan, but I have had my copy for over ten years and no one has reported it trying to get beyond firewalls. I am considering contacting McAfee and asking them to really check it (the error they give is that it looks like a generic trojan which is to say it was built with tools commonly used by hackers). If you learn anything more about this, please send it on to me. Thanks.
From what I have heard it can generate keys for both the older and newer versions of Windows XP and is much faster. XPKeySP2.exe also generates keys for Office XP (and these are reported to work with Office 2003, even home edition) and Windows Server 2003 keys. However, to generate SP2 keys for corporate (VLK) licenses, you need to specify the range of 640-500000 to 640-599999. Please let me know how it works for you at brian@brian.carr .name (take out the space). There is also a nicer program to activate your Windows XP installation without contacting Microsoft, KeyChng2.exe.
There is also a procedure to get past activation for XP as described at It did not work for one person, please let me know how it works for you.
Windows Xp Sp4 Serial Key Free
Office 2007 Key Generator
Someone sent me a key generator that might be for Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007. You can try it at programs/ Just press the 'search' button and it will generate a key. The author is working on an addition to activate Vista, but that doesn't work yet. Please let me know how these work for you as I don't have Office 2007 so can't really test it. I myself have switched to OpenOffice as it is open source and free. It can read and write MS formatted files and works quite nicely (I use it at home and prefer it to MS Office which I use at work). You can get it at: CD Keys
Another person sent me a procedure for getting around the need for a CD key with Win 98 and Win ME. Here are the instructions as they were sent to me. If they are useful to you let me know. If you can make them clearer, send a new version back to me. They also tell you where the CD Key and product ID are kept in the registry so that you can look them up with an existing installation.
If you want to make up your own key of the form nnn-nnnnnnn, it seems that the first three digits can be any number you like while the last seven digits must add up to a multiple of seven. A really boring (but easy to type key) is:111-1111111
This key has been used successfully with:
- BackOffice 4.5 (Beta 2)
- Flight Simulator 98 (OEM)
- Football
- Liquid Motion 1.0
- Monster Truck Madness
- Office 97 Pro
- Plus! 98
- Publisher 98
- SQL Server Enterprise Edition
- Visual C++ 6.0 Standard Edition
- Visual Studio 6 (Enterprise and Pro) and 97
- Windows NT
- Word 97
I have also read that if you take an upgrade CD key and add one to the first set of numbers (whether three or four digit) then the CD key will be for the full edition.
If that didn't work, try this:
I am not sure what CD this is from, but I am compiling a list of all Microsoft applications that this CD Key works with. It seems to have been the standard with older CD's (95 thru 97). This key has been used successfully with:
- Exchange 5.5
- Flight Simulator 95
- Monster Truck Madness
- Office 98 for MacIntosh
- Office 2001 for MacIntosh
- Publisher 97
- Publisher 98 (with 0465 in first block)
- Sidewinder Game Pad CD
- Visual Basic 4.0 Enterprise
- Visual Basic 6.0a Professional Edition
- Visual C++ 4.0 and 5.0
- Visual C++ 4.0 Professional
- Visual C++ 5.0 Professional Edition
- Visual C++ 6.0 Pro
- Visual Studio 97
- Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
- Windows 95/98 Plus!
- Windows 95 Upgrade
- Windows 98 Beta 3
- Works 4.5
If you are installing an OEM CD on a PC with an existing copy of Windows, you can sometimes get around the complaint that you it only works on new PC's by deleting or renaming the file ''. Likewise, if you have an upgrade CD and it doesn't see the version of Windows that you need, often by just copying that file from an exisiting installation (or CD or diskette, wherever you can find it) will satisfy the installation program (pressing F8 will give you options on boot).
Please send me an E-mail (brian@brian.carr .name, take out the space) if you find other CD's that it works with.
98 CD's seem to require a longer CD Key (extra digit). If you need four digits for the first section, try:
This key has been used successfully with:
- MS Exchange Server 5.0 and 5.5.
If you find another CD that this CD key works with, please let me know which CD at brian@brian.carr .name (take out the space).
So if the CD Key above did not work, try this:1112-1111111

This key has been used successfully with:
- Office 97
- Office 97 Pro
- Outlook 98
- Power Point 97 Upgrade
- Project 98
- Publisher 5.0 and 98
- Microsoft Works
- Word 97
If that one doesn't work for you, try this:
This key has been used successfully with:
- Access 97
- Front Page 98
- Office 97 Pro
- Outlook 98
- Project 98
- Publisher 98, English, Spanish Version
- Visual Basic 5.0 Professional and Enterprise Edition
- Word 97
Please send me an E-mail (brian@brian.carr .name, take out the space) if you find other CD's that it works with. And thanks to the people who have helped keep me informed of what CD's require what key.
The format for the nnnn-nnnnnnn. The first four digits seem to make a difference, but even versus odd totals are rumored to indicate an OEM versus upgrade CD (this hasn't been worked out). The last seven digits still must add up to a multiple of seven, but certain combinations like all ones and anything ending with a zero are disallowed. 4157-7777777 seems to work and is easier to type.Windows 98
If your computer came with Windows 98 (i.e. you did not upgrade your computer to Windows 98), you may need to use an OEM number which you find via this link.With Windows 98, MS seems to have gone crazy with the length of the CD Key or Product Key. There see to only be about three common families of CD keys, OEM, full retail, and upgrade retail. The main thing seems to be just using a CD key from the same family. Two less common families are corporate (which can sometimes bypass the mandatory registration process) and academic.
Windows 98 Second Edition keys are broken out in a separate section below.
Some Windows 98 CD Keys you can try are:
- VYK42-6KXD9-2C333-3D898-J97HP
- R3TQR-PQTKG-HBVQ9-YBFH3-CGCRT worked with German full, English full (OEM), UK Edition, Compaq English, Spanish Full, Dutch, Compaq and IBM Recovery CDs, and U.S. Second Edition (SE) OEM, Dell SE laptop, Toshiba 4100XDVD.
- Q2YHH-GYWV2-MDXCD-H9P2X-HYVMM worked with several versions including SE (Second Edition), UK Edition, and US OEM.
- R34DV-VB6WM-XMHHV-WM4Q2-WBB3Y is supposed to work with all version of first edition Windows 98 (4.10.98), UK Edition.
- T7J8Q-MH7RP-9H9J2-2HVFG-C3X2M worked with four U.S. retail versions (4.10.1998) as well as second edition version.
- JJK9P-G8JYJ-X24RC-XTFJ4-K9W4W worked with English retail version (CA), UK Edition.
- MMHK7-QPHQG-KMTP9-7GTJY-JQ6XM worked with English Retail Second Edition v4.10.2222A. Also, HP 4440 recovery disk, UK Edition.
- XB88B-9B96V-CRJPG-64882-GQBDD Full verison, not upgrade, also Second Edition, UK Edition
- DJK2X-6XFJB-Q9J7J-WGC7P-WMHYG Compaq, HP, IBM, etc., UK Edition
- MD97J-QC7R7-TQJGD-3V2WM-W7PVM came with English Developer's Connection Version. Seems to work with same CD's as T7J8Q... above. Also Japanese version.
- DCTB2-4RV9D-3TXP2-F89JK-26XWQ Universal key for all languages (Denmark, ...)
- K4HVD-99TJ9-6CRXG-C9G68-R92D3 OEM French WIN98SE
- HBM43-PD86Y-9R8HM-4GM8H-TVG3Q UK Edition
- Q988C-P7VK2-K2K7R-QX9W9-7CDW3 UK Edition
- QP46B-G4WJ9-7PPBJ-RK7R8-TFM3B (also SE)
Windows 98 Second Edition Upgrade CD Key that should bypass the requirement to have Win95 installed:
- H26W6-897MW-6T4WY-P3G98-GR342 Win 98 Upgrade Second Edition, bypasses Win95 requirement
Windows Xp Sp4 Serial Key Generator
Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) CD Keys you can try are:
- RW9MG-QR4G3-2WRR9-TG7BH-33GXB Full Edition, English UK, French
- DKJQY-TMJGF-BYYPQ-Q2HB7-W2K3V Upgrade English, U.S. Version
- K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3 Win 98 Upgrade Second Edition, also 1st edition full retail and W98SE from MSDN (english version)
- HQ6K2-QPC42-3HWDM-BF4KJ-W4XWJ Win 98 Second Edition English, also Danish, Norwegian and Norwegian OEM, UK Edition (product ID 16203-OEM-0000007-00651)
- JHD22-PY6C8-GGTJC-HYYWT-TF7MY Ver 4.10.2222A Retail
- HQ88R-P7JWC-4FYHY-DK6MV-HT3CD Plus SE U.S English Ver 4.10.2222A
- P767C-WKHX7-62TFV-H6XTP-JXFQM works with ver. 4.10.2222 English, UK Edition, also Packard Bell Master Recovery CD
- XQY3P-8MMD2-JC6M2-HJDYW-P6H7B, UK Edition
- d6xwh-xkvv6-t2f87-kb2kh-9h3yg from Compaq OEM system, UK Edition
- BBH2G-D2VK9-QD4M9-F63XB-43C33 Chinese Language, Full Installation
- J3R3W-VBVDF-2496X-46TQB-HH8BY Australian English. Product Key 792807368, UK Edition
- TR9TQ-F4JRW-FXM4G-3H7V2-FH4J6 UK and Chinese Version
- W7XTC-2YWFB-K6BPT-GMHMV-B6FDY Second Edition English
- QMPMF-23D8R-83GV6-MMR3C-BQ7C3 UK Edition
- WTY8X-CQP24-MX9TD-GBBD9-JKCXP (upgrade)
- WGJTT-2Q9MV-3TB8B-DQ77Y-C6QKB UK Edition
- TVYGH-V683W-3CWT9-MQ468-G66WR Upgrade
- DBRCB-D43K3-VY4G4-KVG4H-6FK9M Australia, Compaq
- PRDDH-83JD9-G6PK4-684GF-6Y73B Dell OEM English and Dell upgrade
A most kind person sent me a load of other Windows OS keys. I will present them all in a separate page for you to look through if none of the above worked.
As a last resort, one person called Microsoft at 1-800-652-2342 when no keys worked with his version of Windows 98. They then promptly looked up a working key for his computer and sent a CD key to him directly via E-Mail (with no hassles).
99 CD's have gone back to the shorter CD Key, but they have different formats from the older keys. Try these:
This key is from MS Money 99. Both this key and the following have been used with Visual Studio 6 Professional Edition. The above key has been used with Visual Basic 6 Fundamentals.
This key is from MS Works 99.
A Serial Number for Visual Basic 6.0 Professional Edition is:
This serial number is also supposed to work with Visual C++, FoxPro, J++, ... as the Product ID for the 6.0 Professional Edition.A CD Key for Publisher 98:
A CD Key for Office 2000 and Office 10 beta is:
with product ID of:82503-711-0000007-67584
Rumor has it that the 711-0000007 is the only part that matters and it must meet the old nnn-nnnnnn requirements. Also, if the CD Key does not work for you, it has been reported that you can edit the product ID in the registry to match the one shown here and then the CD Key will be accepted (I haven't tried this as I don't have Office 2000).CDs Key for Office 2000 are:
- DR674-KJWQW-HGQKT-WGDBG-4RKY3 with product ID of 450-5693453
- Q2CXY-QYYJ4-QPTBH-WPCTB-9J4MM Volume/Corporate CD Key
- RX2R4-4RDYW-269QY-7BC3J-XCFVB (Corporate CD Key)
- JFD4K-MKCDP-83R4H-7GFCQ-2C9KB Professional English SR1
- HQ6DG-JJ73M-C34Q7-W3G4H-CRB9Q UK Pro, Spanish Premium, and U.S. (standard upgrade) as well as Visio 2000
- R7WB4-KQDHY-YTVRF-77JXC-W7898 Spanish Premium
- C3KDQ-BJBMM-YVP9B-DQY7V-VBG9G English and Spanish SR-1, version 9.0.3821
- GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8 Pro
CD Keys for Office 2000 Professional are:
- H4GW2-2M9C4-R8YWX-BYJFT-KKFQ3 Also works with Word portion of MS Works Suite 2000 (english and swedish) and Word 2000 as well as Word 2000 (HP OEM and others), SR1 OEM.
- DT3FT-BFH4M-GYYH8-PG9C3-8K2FJ also premium, pre SP1
- DT3FT-BFH4M-9YYH8-PG963-8K2FJ (2nd Edition)
- RX2R4-4RDYW-S29QY-7BC3J-XCFV3 (Corporate CD Key)
- DFK97-PR8TC-9XMJJ-4JVCY-WHTP9 academic version, product ID 326-4662262
CD Keys that worked for Office 2000 Premium are:
- MP4F9-W6C8V-HTCCT-T7M7R-Y7K3Y (Also Office 10 Beta 2)
- CFGBV-3MC8H-KW2XJ-8CVP6-KBRM9 (Also SR-1, but needs registration then).
A CD Key that worked for Works Suite 2000 is:
CD Keys that worked for Office 2000 Small Business are:
- J3GX9-MDBXB-934FC-CTQJ3-KFRM8, Also Windows ME Upgrade, Works Suite 2000, Publisher 2000, Word 2000 (also SR-1 and OEM), Front Page 2000 and Office 2000 Professional version (service release 1, English and Norwegian).
- W6FX3-77MJ3-JMVH2-VWP86-F4KMJ, Also Flight Simulator 2000, Works Suite 2000, and Word 2000 OEM.
CD Keys for Office 10 for Mac are:
- HGRK7-74222-YDF4X-VKP93-R8X76
- C43G9-T2J4R-4V8GX-F9TYQ-R42W4

With Office 2000 SR1 Microsoft has added a wrinkle of limiting you to 48 uses after you enter the CD key until you register. Once you register you get back another CD Code that you have to enter with the CD Key (how many numbers do you have to type in correctly to be qualified to use Office 2000). Further, this CD Code changes with each installation (can't be reused over and over again on multiple PC's). Any ideas on how to simplify this installation process would be appreciated.
Also, if you install the service pack for Office 2000, it will try to register with Microsoft and the program will stop working if you don't have an unused CD Key. XPKey.exe (above) might be able to give you a key that works or, if you are running under Windows XP, you might be able to back out the service pack by doing a System Restore (file accessories system tools system restore) to the point before the installation of the service pack.
Another approach is to call Microsoft on one of their 800 numbers any time you run into this glitch (and again assuming you are doing a legal reinstallation of your software). That way they have to pay (for the long distance charges) for your inconvenience. If it gets too expensive, they may give up on trying to force everyone to register every single installation (and reinstallation).
A CD Key for Works 4.5a OEM version is:
This was just tried as a guess and worked. I would be interested if it worked for any other MS applications.CD Keys for Word 2000 are:
- BTB66-3JBDP-KJ67Q-G2CMR-7JMDX Also Access 2000 SR1 under Windows XP and Vista
- WPB69-HRK28-WYRJ9-FKK76-DGDC8 Also Works Suite 2000 and 2001
- XDDT9-9T82Y-47WDW-B9TV4-8M9MD
- PF64V-RVBCV-4QJJG-7Q9VC-3DVRW Canadian version
CD Keys for Front Page 2000 upgrade and full version are:
- DYQV3-XDB7C-T24YH-2Q93P-T4G7V Also Office 2000 Premium
- R6BRT-3DH6Y-22BWG-H8T6C-49BXV Also Project 2000 and Publisher 2000
CD Keys for Project 2000 Pro are:

- MDYB4-92JGJ-CV7KY-H2B39-9X4TT also worked with Visio 2000
A CD Key for Visio 2000 is:
- 61000-111111 Enterprise Edition >
CD Keys for Windows 2000 Professional are:
- V8YCV-T66J9-YDHT3-D8X7W-QV89J Dell Blue and Green (business), SP4 OEM
- QR8T4-P2J49-68J88-79XTP-F2RG8
- TXY8C-9X778-9BJ3T-6F2DC-332YF U.S. Upgrade
- K3Y7V-XXWHC-8XT9Q-HH6TC-WMFYV U.S. Upgrade from MS
- RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG Also worked with Windows Whistler, build 2428 as well as Upgrade
- RM233-2PRQQ-FR4RH-JP89H-46QYB Retail, Optiplex GX110, Small Business Server, Israeli Compaq and Dell Latitude
- DY26P-7W66J-MQQQ7-QGRTQ-X8PHJ Corporate CD
- JRG38-GD8F8-42T3Y-96VMY-BMG43 Goverernment
- RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG evaluation key, 120 days
- MTDFM-66JT3-97KY8-B65GK-HRJ93
There are also directions on how to alter a Windows 2000 evaluation copy to a regular full version at: href=
Windows Xp Sp4 Serial Keys
There are also directions on how to alter a Windows XP CD from retail, volume, or OEM to one of the other types. It is at: That site also has links to how to install Office and Exchange 2003 without any CD key.
CD Keys Windows 2000 Server are:
- VTWQ6-GQ4DB-RF2BW-RRMRR-WDMDT also SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition
CD Keys that have worked for Windows 2000 Advanced Server are:
- H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VM also Business Server
- RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG also Windows 2000 Pro, may be 120 day evaluation key)
CD Keys that worked for Outlook 2000 are:
- WK4BC-8C9GD-WRCKV-DV39P-T8JKG also FrontPage 2000, Work Suite 2000 and 2001, Gateway Work Suite 2003
Some keys that came with Windows ME (Millenium) are:
- RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG Also worked with Windows Whistler build 2428
- Q6MD3-VG94N-C4M3X-W2WJ4-V7XJ7
- C2C8Q-2P36X-JHXPJ-9KQJT-BBGPT Del OEM 00029-056-952-050
- R4J6Q-TT3GQ-FWVP9-K3XH8-2R2GB Austrian Version
- FF8PG-YQQX4-7VHW8-MC4K9-T8VPQ Full Version (Retail)
Some CD Keys that worked for Windows Millenium Upgrade are:
Some CD Keys that worked with Office XP are:
- XFX2Y-28DHH-8XHX3-RXRC8-28TCD worked with Premium edition, also Word and UK edition with Frontpage (and other versions, too)
- FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG worked with corporate Pro Enterprise and Professional editions, does not check in with MS
- Q4F49-MQ4YG-JCWHM-KF4QR-GRXWY Volume/Corporate CD Applications
- HWB6C-8R8YY-M4M86-PXB88-3C78G Volume/Corporate CD Suites
- RYXMW-P6PFM-YC2GP-YWX2R-9VY9G Retail Applications
- VBVRC-TKK6Y-37HD7-FVGGB-JF36J Retail Suites
- QHV8Q-JYYYQ-WDBWP-9GCPY-P77JB Professional
- QX97T-8R9FY-M3HGX-KGXYD-R3C8T Seems to be 49 trial version
CD Keys for Windows XP Professional are:
- FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8 Corporate version and upgrade, no mandatory registration if you have corporate version! However, SP1 will reject this and others as described in the labmice article below. Now black flagged.
- PQGR8-86HKG-2X3P7-H2DH2-HRM96 Corporate generated, WGA OK for now.
- J7282-VM7Y4-MXMJD-83DJM-BM6JY Corporate generated
- RG6Q6-JRJQR-JMY3X-DPR7T-48K86 Corporate generated
- W7VY8-R3HK7-J68PB-TQ4DF-B87M2 Corporate generated
- FRQF8-RW2FT-MHFWB-GRQKP-T9GV2 Corporate generated
- TKFFC-RMY9G-DD3HQ-JKPG9-AX6HD Volume License (may be post SP1)
- BQ92H-YPC9T-3MCMY-7PPH8-8J3JF Retail version
- KBGVG-DK767-BQPTM-3DC9F-HYV83 Retail version
- G8BPK-6CW6C-326CR-KVPVW-TB3WQ Corporate
- BBK3H-PPH6P-G8YV7-FMBHM-2RV2P OEM SP1 compatible
- BVFKG-7MXPW-Y6RVF-CMD22-FYRR7 OEM SP1 compatible
- RBR8H-YBHRY-XVD8C-Q47YW-Y62CC OEM SP1 compatible
If you get stuck with the mandatory registration problem, you can always call Microsoft at 1-800-652-2342. If you have a reasonable story they will sometimes give you a new key to use. It takes time to get through, but at least it is at Microsoft's expense (as they are the ones who initiated the silly mandatory registration it is good that they bear some of the expense).
I found another program, KeyChang.exe, that should be able to change your Windows XP key to one generated by XPKey.exe and then activate your version without really contacting Microsoft. First run XPKey as described earlier and get a couple of keys. Then run 'KeyChang.exe' and folllow the directions. When asked for the CD Key, enter one of the keys you generated previously. Once you reboot the system all should be changed and you will have a unique CD key that should allow you to download the Windows XP SP1 update. Let me know how it works for you.
NOTE: The program 'KeyChang.exe' has a warning note which states you must have a Windows Installation CD available when changing the CD Key, however I have never had to use one so you should be OK even if you don't have the CD handy.
Microsoft is concerned about the use of corporate CD keys to avoid activation. There is a most informative web page by for what to do with Service Pack 1 of Windows XP which blocks out certain commonly used corporate CD keys. However, this page was pulled for a while at the request of Microsoft. In case you can't access it now, I made an excerpt of this page so you can see the sort of useful information that Microsoft finds objectionable.
If when upgrading, you get GetIUMS problems with msdart.dll, just download MDAC 2.8 from and install it. Then your problems should go away.
CD Keys for Windows XP Home Edition are:
- C6QQT-DYQ7H-HG39T-H47FX-Q3JD2 upgrade
A CD Key for Windows XP Tablet PC Edition is:
CD Keys for Microsoft Windows XP Professional Corporate:
- BR89Q-4B9GB-9DPFD-M2PY3-R3F83 SP2
- F4297-RCWJP-P482C-YY23Y-XH8W3 SP3
- QC986-27D34-6M3TY-JJXP9-TBGMD SP3
- R349V-86B3K-JC3KG-D9W6J-9VQHT SP3
- W4P6K-G7WJX-PB4MF-WWF69-938V3 SP3
- WX6R3-K4KJ8-K697K-J3MKP-7HF86 SP3
- M3Y4R-CK87K-R9PPJ-24Q2W-22XCM SP3
- QC986-27D34-6M3TY-JJXP9-TBGMD SP3
A CD Key for Publisher 2000 is:
CD Keys for Publisher XP are:
- dy6wq-d3fyg-v89by-8kpg9-8yw9m also worked with Visio and Publisher 2002 Pro
A CD Key for Visio Enterprise Network Tools is:
- HJ964-7DQ6D-7K7RK-DD7RM-TQGRB Volume/Corporate CD
CD Keys for Works Suite 2001 are:
CD Keys for Publisher 2002 are:

A CD Key for Project Pro 2002 is:
A CD Key for Visual Pro 2002 is:
A CD Key for Visual Studio .NET is:
A CD Key for Visual FoxPro 7.0 is:
A CD Key for Visual FoxPro 8.0 is:
- DTCDY-QTCH8-CHFM8-6D7QD-PDKRW Professional, Retail, full version
A CD Key for Office XP Pro 2002 is:
A CD Key for Project 2002 Pro is:
- dy6wq-d3fyg-v89by-8kpg9-8yw9m (and regular)
A CD Key for Works Suite 2002 is:
- K64YY-JRMKM-7DJJF-F2D96-8K736 also Word 2002 and Outlook 2002, may be 50 use trial key.
A CD Key for Word 2002 is:
- HM6W4-KPQ88-CRPFM-VXXJB-26XJJ (may be trial version with 50 uses)
CD Keys for Microsoft Office 2003 are:
- GWH28-DGCMP-P6RC4-6J4MT-3HFDY (appears to be VLK, no activation with MS, now blocked from updates)
- GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8
A CD Key for Microsoft Frontpage 2003 is:
- WFDWY-XQXJF-RHRYG-BG7RQ-BBDHM (appears to be VLK, no actrivation with MS)
A CD Key for Works Suite 2003 is:
- KDQK3-QR72W-TBR3F-DJJHM-TGKF6 (Word 2002)
CD Keys for Publisher 2003 are:
- GWH28-DGCMP-P6RC4-6J4MT-3HFDY Professional V2003
CD Keys for Windows Advanced Server 2003 are:
A CD Key for Office Mac 2004 (for Mac's) is:
A CD Key for Works Suite 2004 (including Word 2002) is:
A CD Key for Microsoft Office S & T Edition 2003 Trial with Microsoft Works 7.0 2004 Standard and Microsoft MSN Encarta Standard is:
CD Keys for Windows Longhorn 4015 beta is:
CD Keys for Microsoft Office 2003 Professional:
- Main Program: CXB7M-T7R9V-Q9HVW-4X2BP-WF8YB Rest of the Programs: GD4JD-2CBPD-XWR48-HQTK8-4GPMB
- Main Program: CKY4Q-9FXX6-CQVKV-HPF2B-8BPMB Rest of the Programs: CBM4T-RTQR9-29FDD-GRF27-KWKVM
- Main Program: C98BM-B79CD-VD9JC-QPJP8-QK8YB Rest of the Programs: GR9JQ-23FPR-HJXPX-BVWMT-VKMQY
- Main Program: JMCKC-7QJCW-Y47KM-969Q7-BTH3Y Rest of the Programs: CCCX9-H6489-K3XKX-T3HK9-RMPMB
- Main Program: D7XYV-3J3TY-XTBYY-TR74V-8XTBB Rest of the Programs: K2TDJ-QQY9Y-HDRF6-R2GK2-MVQHM
CD Keys for Microsoft Windows XP Professional X64 Edition Corporate Keys:
- FVMK4-6DD4B-26MB4-74JB2-R4XWM
- DHR8W-69GX3-YWPM9-P98K2-B2V4Y
CD Keys for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 X64 Edition:
CD Keys for Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0:
CD Keys for Microsoft Operations Manager 2005:
CD Keys for Microsoft Office Communicator 2005:
CD Keys for Microsoft ISA Server 2004:
- C7P2R-KGVDQ-7PW7K-C9H77-RM928
CD Keys for Microsoft Business Network Professional Server v1.0:
CD Key for Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007
CD Key for Microsoft Office VisioProject Professional 2007
CD Key for Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007
CD Key for Microsoft Expression Web
CD Key for Microsoft Windows Vista
- 6F2D7-2PCG6-YQQTB-FWK9V-932CC Asus Ultimate
- 72PFD-BCBK8-R7X4H-6F2XJ-VVMP9 Asus Business
- BH626-XT3FK-MJKJH-6GQT2-QXQMF Asus Home Premium
- 8XPM9-7F9HD-4JJQP-TP64Y-RPFFV Asus Home Premium
- 2WP98-KHTH2-KC7KG-4YR37-H8PHC Asus Home Basic
- 762HW-QD98X-TQVXJ-8RKRQ-RJC9V Asus Home Basic
- 2TYBW-XKCQM-XY9X3-JDXYP-6CJ97 Acer Home Premium
- 6F2D7-2PCG6-YQQTB-FWK9V-932CC HP Ultimate
- 2R6WF-KYF88-27HYQ-XTKW2-WQD8Q HP Home Premium
- GP3FQ-JB647-7CW8F-H646B-7PMGF HP Home Premium
- 34BKK-QK76Y-WWR7C-QF2M7-2TB37 Lenovo Home Premium
- FCBYJ-BD3FM-84H8W-KG6HP-RPXH2 HP Home Premium
CD Keys for Rise of Nations
CD Keys for Rise of Nations Thrones & Patriots Expansion
CD Key for Microsoft Visual Basic Express
CD Keys for Microsoft Media Center 2004 or 2005
- C82GJ-YH627-72GBT-R7XV7-M7Y4B
CD Keys for Microsoft Windows 7 Starter (OEM-8992752) (OEM-8992707)
- 6K6WB-X73TD-KG794-FJYHG-YCJVG --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-30005 --- ASUS (Eee)
- 36Q3Y-BBT84-MGJ3H-FT7VD-FG72J --- XXXXX-OEM-8992707-00082 --- DELL
- RH98C-M9PW4-6DHR7-X99PJ-3FGDB --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-30008 --- HP
- 273P4-GQ8V6-97YYM-9YTHF-DC2VP --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-30169 --- LENOVO/IBM
- 22P26-HD8YH-RD96C-28R8J-DCT28 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992707-00153 --- LENOVO/IBM
- 2W4DJ-JFFJV-DMCPP-2C3X8-883DP --- XXXXX-OEM-8992707-00121 --- MSI
- 2XGHP-9TQK2-8CF28-BM2P2-8FRX8 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-30269 --- NOKIA
- PV9BD-YBRX6-CTMG6-CCMJY-X8XG7 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-30013 --- SAMSUNG
- 32J2V-TGQCY-9QJXP-Q3FVT-X8BQ7 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992707-00016 --- SONY
- TGBKB-9KBGJ-3Y3J6-K8M2F-J2HJQ --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-30015 --- TOSHIBA
- 7W842-2HCPJ-BC3MJ-B79K6-TD2HQ --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-30214 --- VILIV
CD Keys for Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic (OEM-8992752)
- MB4HF-2Q8V3-W88WR-K7287-2H4CP --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-50004 --- ACER/GATEWAY/PACKARD
- 89G97-VYHYT-Y6G8H-PJXV6-77GQM --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-50005 --- ASUS
- 36T88-RT7C6-R38TQ-RV8M9-WWTCY --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-50258 --- DELL
- DX8R9-BVCGB-PPKRR-8J7T4-TJHTH --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-50008 --- HP
- 22MFQ-HDH7V-RBV79-QMVK9-PTMXQ --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-50213 --- LENOVO/IBM
- 2P6PB-G7YVY-W46VJ-BXJ36-PGGTG --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-50013 --- SAMSUNG
- 9DBMT-GXRWM-6Q9Y3-WMYM8-FJCBW --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-50165 --- TONGFANG
- 2TY7W-H4DD4-MB62F-BD9C3-88TM6 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-50179 --- ?????
- YV7QQ-RCXQ9-KTBHC-YX3FG-FKRW8 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992752-50014 --- ?????
CD Keys for Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (OEM-8992687)
- VQB3X-Q3KP8-WJ2H8-R6B6D-7QJB7 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00006 --- ACER/GATEWAY/PACKARD
- 38JTJ-VBPFW-XFQDR-PJ794-8447M --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00304 --- ADVENT
- 2QDBX-9T8HR-2QWT6-HCQXJ-9YQTR --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00007 --- ASUS
- 7JQWQ-K6KWQ-BJD6C-K3YVH-DVQJG --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00118 --- ASUS (Eee)
- 6RBBT-F8VPQ-QCPVQ-KHRB8-RMV82 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00095 --- DELL
- C6MHH-TRRPT-74TDC-FHRMV-XB88W --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00009 --- FUJITSU
- 39QDH-D7MHH-WDMTD-TM2R9-KM7DB --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00258 --- HCL
- 4FG99-BC3HD-73CQT-WMF7J-3Q6C9 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00010 --- HP
- 27GBM-Y4QQC-JKHXW-D9W83-FJQKD --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00249 --- LENOVO/IBM
- 38GRR-KMG3D-BTP99-TC9G4-BBDJJ --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00174 --- LG
- 2P2P9-CM3F8-FTV6P-PC7CX-8TFF7 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00093 --- MEDION
- 4G3GR-J6JDJ-D96PV-T9B9D-M8X2Q --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00246 --- MSI
- CQBVJ-9J697-PWB9R-4K7W4-2BT4J --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00015 --- SAMSUNG
- HWDFB-YVFG4-3TJ7F-Q3WMT-7B6PH --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00138 --- SIRAGON
- H4JWX-WHKWT-VGV87-C7XPK-CGKHQ --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00016 --- SONY
- 6B88K-KCCWY-4F8HK-M4P73-W8DQG --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00057 --- TOSHIBA
- 6GF36-P4HWR-BFF84-6GFC2-BWX77 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00017 --- TOSHIBA
- 2XPWB-Q64BJ-W8CT3-WJTWT-4DQ99 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00267 --- ?????
- TTJQ7-4PFJC-6JFJ8-B22VD-VXW88 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992687-00013 --- ?????
- 2Q93T-7QPXK-X4HF8-W3JJG-J9TP7 HP DM3-1039WM
CD Keys for Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (OEM-8992671)
- 2WCJK-R8B4Y-CWRF2-TRJKB-PV9HW --- XXXXX-OEM-8992671-00407 --- ASUS
- 32KD2-K9CTF-M3DJT-4J3WC-733WD --- XXXXX-OEM-8992671-00524 --- DELL
- PT9YK-BC2J9-WWYF9-R9DCR-QB9CK --- XXXXX-OEM-8992671-00007 --- FUJITSU
- 74T2M-DKDBC-788W3-H689G-6P6GT --- XXXXX-OEM-8992671-00008 --- HP
- 237XB-GDJ7B-MV8MH-98QJM-24367 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992671-00437 --- LENOVO/IBM
- GMJQF-JC7VC-76HMH-M4RKY-V4HX6 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992671-00013 --- SAMSUNG
- H9M26-6BXJP-XXFCY-7BR4V-24X8J --- XXXXX-OEM-8992671-00014 --- SONY
- 2V8P2-QKJWM-4THM3-74PDB-4P2KH --- XXXXX-OEM-8992671-00137 --- TOSHIBA
- 862R9-99CD6-DD6WM-GHDG2-Y8M37 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992671-00205 --- ?????
- 2W3CX-YD4YJ-DF9B2-V27M6-77GMF --- XXXXX-OEM-8992671-00503 --- ?????
CD Keys for Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (OEM-8992662)
- VQ3PY-VRX6D-CBG4J-8C6R2-TCVBD --- XXXXX-OEM-8992662-00008 --- ALIENWARE
- 2Y4WT-DHTBF-Q6MMK-KYK6X-VKM6G --- XXXXX-OEM-8992662-00173 --- ASUS
- 342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992662-00400 --- DELL
- MHFPT-8C8M2-V9488-FGM44-2C9T3 --- XXXXX-OEM-8992662-00010 --- HP
- 22TKD-F8XX6-YG69F-9M66D-PMJBM --- XXXXX-OEM-8992662-00497 --- LENOVO/IBM (Original)
- 6K2KY-BFH24-PJW6W-9GK29-TMPWP --- XXXXX-OEM-8992662-00537 --- LENOVO/IBM (Re-released)
- 49PB6-6BJ6Y-KHGCQ-7DDY6-TF7CD --- XXXXX-OEM-8992662-00015 --- SAMSUNG
- YJJYR-666KV-8T4YH-KM9TB-4PY2W --- XXXXX-OEM-8992662-00016 --- SONY
- 2WX6M-X2HKM-86X8X-2QD44-F3FGJ --- XXXXX-OEM-8992662-00481 --- ?????
CD Keys for Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010
Windows Media Player 11 now only functions if your system has passsed validation. There are numerous work arounds which you can find described on
A most kind person sent me a load of other Windows OS keys. I will present them all in a separate page for you to look through if none of the above worked.
Hope your reinstallation goes well.
A special thanks to all the people who helped with contributions to this page. Also a big 'your welcome' to anyone who sent me a thank you note. These notes help inspire me to keep this page up to date (though I don't usually reply to most such notes, they are appreciated).
This page was been visited
times since Mar 25, 2001.
The access counts on different dates were:Year | January 1 Access Count | July 1 Access Count |
2001 | NA | 20,737 |
2002 | 84,773 | 174,722 |
2003 | 236,759 | 371,442 |
2004 | 457,251 | 618,876 |
2005 | 688,267 | 730,771 |
2006 | 777,331 | 847,500 |
2007 | 925,331 | 1,045,641 |
2008 | 1,209,476 | 1,394,020 |
2009 | 1,765,434 | 2,050,068 |
2010 | 2,372,124 | 2,454,101 |
2011 | 2,509,597 | 2,595,534 |
2012 | 2,724,131 | 3,000,169 |
2013 | 3,069,817 | 3,097,636 |
2014 | 3,138,602 | 3,191,481 |
2015 | 3,247,158 | 3,299,361 |
2016 | 3,329,590 | 3,357,673 |
2017 | 3,363,617 | 3,365,741 |
2018 | 3,368,353 | 3,369,764 |
2019 | 3,371,551 | 3,373,308 |
2020 | 3,374,441 | 3,375,003 |
2021 | 3,375,555 | 3,376,845 |
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This page was last updated on July 16, 2021.
Windows 2000 Professional Sp4 Product Key ✒ DOWNLOAD
Ya saved my LIFE, thanx for the Windows 2000 Pro serial number that ya gave us. … Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM Iso Sp4 Serial Key |BEST| … Server …. May 15, 2004 — Does anyone know where in the CURRENT version of Windows 2000 Pro SP4 the cd key is stored in the registry? I know about the program: …
Dec 21, 2007 — Indeed, some Windows 2000 CDs are not bootable. … an original diskette (2 discs) Windows 2000 Professional with product key and COA. … Pretty amazing that VMware Converter works all the way back to Windows NT SP4.. Jun 10, 2016 — Mar 10, 2010 · Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services allows the … Your SQL Server 2000 needs to be at SP4 and SQL Server 2005 should be at SP2. Jan 23 … of the SQL Server 2008 R2 product line, focusing in particular on Analysis . … Tony Hayes, IT Manager, Howdens (Large Enterprise, Professional …. Now that the creative Sound Blaster connect 2 was not detected on Windows 10, … options to enhance the performance of your product and personalize your … 1) Press Windows key and X at the same time, then choose Device Manager. … XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP (SP2 or SP1) or Windows 2000 SP4 …. Aug 13, 2020 — Pro, SP4 Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Retail CD w / Product Key. … SP4 Download Torrent Microsoft.Windows.XP SP4.Professional …
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ACDelco Gold (Professional) Ceramic Brake Pads are engineered to help resist … offers 803 duralast brake pads products. … Sport Front Gold Slotted Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pad 2000-2003 Cadillac Deville … Platinum – A comparison review Duralast Gold – Overview and key features This … Fi sp4 plus 18 …. Jan 8, 2009 — Now you can now install Windows 2000 without a serial number! You should remember that doing this might be considered illegal in Microsoft’s …. Oct 19, 2019 — Windows 2000 Professional SP4 … ProduKey v1.93 – Recover lost Windows product key (CD-Key) and Office 2003/2007 product key.
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However, even then, you still need a valid product key in order to use the … All Beta versions are non-final products. 2 Windows 2000 SP4 32-bit up to 4. … software, creative, and business skills to achieve your personal and professional goals.. Download Links. The Windows 2000 Professional ISO and Product Key can be downloaded from WinWorld. in this guide I used the Windows 2000 Professional …
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For example, if you want to upgrade a Windows 2000 Professional computer to … Professional, you will first need to install Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4). … process as follows: License agreement and product key You will be prompted …. From multi-family structures delivered turn-key, to structural components and building … With professional engineers, we are strategically positioned to provide … MiTek is a diversified global supplier of software, engineered products, … Radeon 9800 PRO 128mb Canyon motherboard Windows 2000 sp4—–please help me .. AACS Key Distribution for WinDVD BD Ending. End of support notification for products using the Windows 7 operating system. … VN1630 • VN1640 • VN8900 • Kvaser Leaf Professional • Kvaser USB CAN Professional • Kvaser … SP4 7.5 SP3 7.6 SP2 7.5 SP4 7.6 SP4 8.2 SP5 LIN not available 7.5 SP4 7.6 SP4 7.5 SP3 7.6.. Without software key or a demo license GSM-Control Object will support only 1 … May 11, 2000 · Upon Wonderware’s request, and for no more than two (2) sessions of … We believe that professional maintenance and support is the right way to … InTouch runs on Microsoft Windows 95 (or later) or Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (or …. Serial key :☺ Windows 95 : CD-Key s/n: 875-7215850 or CD-Key s/n: … Windows 2000 Professional : s/n : HRTHC-WWDF2-JQHRY-XK8X3-DTDW6 Windows …. Jan 5, 2018 — Many downloads like Windows 2000 Professional Sp4 Iso may also include a crack, serial number, unlock code, cd key .Windows 2000 pro …. After upgrading, proceed to enter the Windows 10 Pro OEM product key. … Use Windows 10 Professional Key 32/64 Bit COA Sticker Win 10 Pro Oem License Key … 2002 SP1 (working) Windows 7 OEM (All Versions) Windows 2000 Pro SP4.. The resolution that Windows desktop sees the monitors is also what determines the … The IT4SP license supports Galaxy I/O only, not local I/O via InTouch Access Names. … 1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 98, NT, and 95. … Professional font design programs are very complex, and/or quite expensive. … Using the F11 key on.. UK2000 Cumbernauld Xtreme FSX The scenery is made with new hi-detail surface … This update has been sent to Microsoft for processing and we hope in the coming days … Simmarket Active Sky Next For P3d Sp4 1. … 24 ->->->-> DOWNLOAD Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator Steam CD Key Platform: … MLO Professional 4.. Brokerage Products: Not FDIC Insured • No Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value. … View a sample of the text message. turn the key to the 1st position in the ignition. … professional installation at one of InstallerNet’s 1,500 locations nationwide. … and came out with a boom box for their KT-SR2000 Sirius Satellite Radio Tuner.. Including Vmware, Xen, and Microsoft Virtual Server Rogier Dittner, David … also run Windows Server 2003, Windows XP SP2, and Windows 2000 SP4. … other versions, the process is no more difficult than changing the license key. The next product in the suite is XenServer, which is aimed at the Windows IT Professional.. windows 2000 microsoft wiki fandom. microsoft windows 2000 professional 5. cd key god of war 3 modelmoon. windows 2000 sp4 serial key clevermode.. Aug 25, 2003 — Should I try booting with the original Windows 2000 Professional disks … appears on screen, hit any key on keyboard to invoke CD-Rom boot). Mar 27, 2019 — Many downloads like Windows 2000 Professional Sp4 Iso may also include a crack, serial number, unlock code, cd key or keygen (key …. If your keyboard does not have a Scroll Lock key, launch the on-screen keyboard. … scroll with mouse wheel while Shift key is pressed: It works in Excel 2000-2013 and also fixes a … Just purchased this product mainly for the horizontal scroll wheel. … Running Windows 2K prof SP4 MS Office 98. resize-on-screen-keyboard.. Just skip the “enter product key” window by clicking close button at the top right corner. … Project Professional 2019 delivers real-time communications and instant … way back to Windows 2000 SP3/SP4 and Windows XP targets too, but we.. windows xp media Center MSDN serial number DGTVTVX3JG94X-7J49M … way to get any cd/serial key. just type at google or top search engine like this without .. Use it for free or get a Personal License with Lifetime updates for a pretty low price. … Professional grade software with classic and well-known interface. … All-in-one solution for Android, iOS, Windows and Mac to transfer files via local wireless … Brand-new app to remap Xbox & DualShock controls to keyboard keys.. Windows 2000, also known as Windows NT 5.0, is built on NT Technology as a line … of Windows 2000 were released, listed here in increasing ranking: Professional, … through a bootable CD using Microsoft Systems Management Server, by the … EFS works by encrypting a file with a bulk symmetric key (also known as the …. Windows nt and 2000 serial keys. Windows 2000 professional sp4 iso link. Service patch 4 sp4, build 5.0.2195.6717 has been integrated onto the cd. other than …. Entering the suffix manually in the Windows settings of the connection works fine, but pushing it through the fortigate fe itself … Volume by water displacement worksheet answer key pdf … View Kaveh Sedghisigarchi’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. … My View: Try the product absolutely from.. 1535 records — Windows 2000 Pro con SP4 – ITA Microsoft Windows 2000 sp4 Heliopolis Windows 2000 Serial Key Professional. Windows XP Professional SP3 …. CIM Providers (HW Monitoring) Guest OS; Host Profiles; IO Devices; Key … Last but not least we have the most interesting product in my opinion: the LSI Nytro … the 64-bit version of Windows 10 Professional. for example /home/mgm using WinSCP. … 32 MegaRaid MR493/MR475 RAID Drivers for Windows 2000, NT, DOS, …. Oct 16, 2017 — Is the most reliable desktop operating system for business. Product dimensions: 1 x 4 x 0.1 inches.making a bootable windows 2000 cd.. Aug 8, 2006 — at least not in my copy of w2k sp4. it works with win xp and as i know usses a ms-provided script allowing product key change. jacob.. NET framework 3. msc (Windows Update) open properties of the service and see if … check to see if the service is even running > windows key + alt > services. … of products through virtual classrooms, eLearning videos, and professional … Double-click on your computer’s active network adapter. with Windows 2000 sp4.. Oct 31, 2009 — … looking for a windows 2000 professional unmodified original cd image (iso or … or one with SP4 built in (don’t know if microsoft ever ditributed one). … to another format, hope this Win2000 Pro doesn’t require a Product key.. Please input captcha to take your serial number. View in text. Similar activation keys. Windows 2000 Pro SP4. Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (SP4 & RU1- …. When in the 1 – Life Time Crack Serial key Download PC Software Patch. … Download crack for Beginners Class Microsoft Flight Simulator for to play the software. … PFPX – Professional Flight Planner X – is a new and innovative flight planning tool I wanted to try to … UK2000 Scenery Forum UK2000 Extras UK2000 FREE.. VMware NSX is VMware’s network virtualization product marketed using the term … How to Install Windows 2000 Professional SP4 on Windows 10 using VMware 16 … Choose (Create a new Virtual Machine) or you can use shortcut key also, …. Jun 20, 2011 — i downloaded windows 2000 pro sp4 and it didn’t have the product key. does … You can use Google to find a Windows 2000 product key. … If the CD is not a Windows 2000 Professional CD (e.g. Server) then the identifier files …. Apr 25, 2019 — Windows Professional SP4 … XenArmor Windows Product Key Finder Dimo MKV Video Converter 4. Our antivirus scan shows that this …. You can install Windows product updates that use Hotfix.exe or Update.exe either … … QChain.exe cleans the Pending File Rename Operations key in the registry to … Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional; Microsoft Windows 2000 Server …. Oct 27, 2019 — Few windows xp still available that we can 2000 professional cd with key code. Sp2 with works suite 2000 product …. … Enterprise Edition>. CD Keys for Windows 2000 Professional are: … V8YCV-T66J9-YDHT3-D8X7W-QV89J Dell Blue and Green (business), SP4 OEM. salisbury 4hu, Where to buy our products? … detailed above you can download the Tor Browser Bundle, which is a Firefox-like browser available for Windows, …. Directed’s products are available through many channels including leading national retailers … Interface for Non-Amplified Systems Metra Data Interface for 2000-Up GM Vehicles. … cd license key on usb-stick process under xpprof / windows7 professional/ultimate … 0 include: Windows 2000 (SP4), XP (SP2), Vista, and 7.. Apr 03, 2019 Windows 2000 was a modernization of Windows NT 4.0 which brought many of. 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 …. Download Windows Server 2000 ISO setup for free – Download … Windows 2000 Prof. ISO No Product Key Needed Download … Start.. 94 results — Microsoft windows 2000 professional sp4 full operating system ms win … W2k windows 2000 professional w2k sp3 with product key new sealed cd. Windows 2000 Serial Keys. SP4: DDTPV-TXMX7-BBGJ9-WGY8K-B9GHM. Download Windows 2000 Professional Edition SP4 ISO. Windows 2000 (No Product …. 229444 Avaya IP Office IP Endpoint License – 1 User R6. … JSON Web Token (JWT) claims, array data, and longer key sizes (256‑, 384‑, and 512‑bit) … 880 GB; Network 1 Gbps Shared; Unmetered Data Transfer; 1 Public IP; Professional. … 0 Windows 2000 Server SP4 Microsoft Windows Media Servers R6 Avaya IP600 …. I ready grade 5 mathematics answer key … for the product in Thanks to the BENOR-mark, the concrete plants are exempted from carrying out the complementary …. Before proceeding, have the Windows 10 ISO or USB drive handy. … Enter the product key from your Order Details page when prompted to launch the … If i could get either an RTM image, or one with SP4 built in (don’t know if microsoft ever ditributed one). … Instructions: This will work on Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista and 7.. It wasn’t until SP4 in 1998 that Internet Explorer 4.0 and IIS 4.0 were included with NT . … Many of them were expected to jump directly to Windows 2000 Professional … believed it would catch on when users realized how strong a product it really … 4.0 Integrated public key and certificate authority functionality • Streaming -.. Hi. My win 2000 (not server just 2000) needs a product key, I can’t upgrade to 7, either. I tried. IOU34-T16R2-3FG4H-BPJ54-OR893. Still that …. Hardware bundled with professional, user-friendly video conferencing … 2 Press the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog, type services.msc into Run, … Original product version: Windows Server 2012 R2 Original KB number: 269375. Symptoms. When you start your Windows 2000-based computer, the Netlogon service …. Updated] Windows XP Product Keys Free … Microsoft windows 2000 professional … Windows 2000 Sp4 Iso – pmbrown. Windows 2000 advanced server serial …. Sep 19, 2017 — I have fully genuine license keys. I require ISOs for the following:- – Windows 2000 Professional SP4 – Windows Server 2000 Standard. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics. … Please see the operation manual and learn how to use our products. … Adafruit NeoPixel Digital RGBW LED Strip Windows 2000/XP Driver. Version 2.11: Bluescreen fixed on power-down of certain computers (W2k SP4 Dual CPU).. Jul 3, 2021 — Wordperfect for sale. corel wordperfect office 2000 professional sp4 for windows. wordperfect office 2000 serial number, key. Wordperfect office …. Oct 3, 2020 — Windows 2000 Serial Number Is Real Windows 2000 Software Will ResuIt … 2000 Professional SP4 DDTPV-TXMX7-BBGJ9-WGY8K-B9GHM.. information regarding product key removal to Chapter 1, figures 3 and 4. … picture denotes a product key for M6.0.12. This is … Windows 2000 Professional SP4.. Aug 24, 2020 — Locate the first 8 digits of your product key in the list, then click the arrow … Upgrade single Jul 05, 2018 · Trusted Windows (PC) download IBM SPSS Amos 27.0.0. … Download AVEVA PDMS v12.1 SP4.14 Keygen Crack Mar 17, 2013 … It is a professional software with which clear and different information …. I have also read that if you take an upgrade CD key and add one to the first set of numbers (whether three or … CD Keys for Windows 2000 Professional are: … V8YCV-T66J9-YDHT3-D8X7W-QV89J Dell Blue and Green (business), SP4 OEM. Oct 6, 2010 — Upgrading from Windows NT 4.0 or 2000 to Windows XP is, unlike the 9x/Me … In the following example, a typical Windows 2000 Professional system … In the next step, you enter your product key, which is found on an orange …. Mar 20, 2009 — I have at my disposal a legal retail Windows 2000 Professional CD (no service packs). … (the retail Windows 2000 CD) won’t work with the OEM key on the COA sticker; … I slip-streamed SP4 and the latest Security Roll-up.. Apr 17, 2019 — Many downloads like Windows 2000 Professional Sp4 Iso may also include a crack, serial number, unlock code, cd key .Windows 2000 pro …. … work on Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1. … Windows xp qcow2 image download Feb 22, 2005 · Windows 2000, Windows 2000 … Download Windows XP Professional and Office 2003 . qemu-img create -f … While installing, it will ask to Enter Serial Key, use the one which we have …. Microsoft Outlook 2000 with Product Key – Microsoft – Ideas of Microsoft #Microsoft. … (Ad) MICROSOFT WINDOWS 2000 PROFESSIONAL w/SP4 FULL …. Microsoft Windows XP Professional Full w/SP2 English Retail Ver. MS PRO=RETAIL= … Microsoft FQC …. Jun 18, 2020 — Labels: license key, OEM, Windows 8, Windows 8. … We found that we had an old StorageWorks P2000 G3 and a EMC CX4-120. … 2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP4 and 12 SP1 Ubuntu Server 14. … Holders of a Starter or Professional licenses may buy an additional license for Remote …. Jan 13, 2018 — Few windows xp still available that we can 2000 professional cd with key code. Sp2 with works suite 2000 product …. Extract Windows 10 2004 ISO. win10企业版哪里下载?win10企业版面向企业用户 … my product key was found to be invalidISO Windows 2000 Professional SP4 …. 100 records — FriCAS is the name of an advanced and professional level of computer … The enterprise application, a key part of Mathsoft’s Calculation … Is it possible to get Activation Key for old releases of Mathcad 11 / 12 / 13? … 2000 ou 13 by Silvano Cunha Jan 05, 2011 · mathcad 13 on windows 7. … Windows 2000 SP4.. Aug 12, 2019 — License / Product Key Free Trial. File Size 567MB. Language English. Developer Microsoft. Download. Windows-2000-Professional-SP4-ISO.
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